Conduct Assessment
Each student has a basic conduct mark of 100 (Grade B).
Conduct marks will be added to or deducted from the basic mark (Grade B) when a demerit
or merit is given. -
The scale of marks and conduct grades is as follows:
Students need to obtain a passing conduct grade "C" in order to be promoted.
Merit Reference
Conduct points will be calculated at the end of each term.
Light Merit (+5 conduct points)
Merit (+15 conduct points)
Major Merit (+30 conduct points)
*Student helpers can only claim a maximum of 15 points in one term.
* Students can only claim a maximum of 10 points in the Good Behaviour
Points Deduction Reference
Conduct Points will be deducted from a student's conduct grade according to the following:
General Offence (-5 conduct points)
Serious Offence (-15 conduct points)
Extremely Serious Offence (-45 conduct points)
Parents will be notified of any demerit record through Teamwork School Messenger
* Class Teachers will keep the student's iPad / phone for three days for misusing them.
* The school reserve the right to make the final decision for disciplinary conduct.