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1) DeliaGP Awards

Every year GP awards students with outstanding academic and non-academic performance. We aim to encourage the pursuit of academic excellence and to recognise students' academic achievement, and at the same time to relieve the burden of parents having economic hardship. We believe that can be the wind to help students to sail of their dreams. Please see the following of the awards provided by our school:

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2) Delia Glee Path University Scholarship

During the 2020-2021­­ academic year, the Delia Memorial School (Glee Path) (“the School”) will be offering merit-based scholarships to Secondary 6 students who have been successfully admitted into tertiary education institutions. Please see the following for the brief description of each scholarship:

I. Top-Achieving Student

II. Admitted Local Bachelor

    Degree Students 

III. Admitted Associate Degree /    

     Higher Diploma / and Overseas

     Bachelor Degree Students

  • A one-off scholarship of HK$40,000 

  • The selection of the top-achieving student will be based on final HKDSE results

  • Conduct B or above is required

  • A one-off scholarship not exceeding HK$20,000 per student

  • If the number of students admitted to local bachelor degrees exceeds 17 students, then the scholarship allocated per student will be evenly split among the eligible students

  • E.g. if the number of eligible applicants is 20, the scholarship per student will amount to HK$17,000

  • Conduct B or above is required

  • A one-off scholarship not exceeding HK$10,000 per student

  • If the number of eligible students exceeds 30 students, then the scholarship allocated per student will be evenly split among the eligible students

  • E.g. if the number of eligible applicants is 40, the scholarship per student will amount to HK$7,500

  • Conduct B or above is required



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